The seminar on the high-level university construction plan (2021-2025) was organized by the Development Planning Officeon September 11th. Directors of relevant departments, deans of four schools as well as their assistants participated in this seminar.

In the morning, the participants focused on the main tasks and key measures for the coming five years,namely optimizing the distribution of disciplines and majors, improving the quality of talent training, improving the capability of faculty members, enhancing the scientific research and innovation capabilities, serving the economic and social development, and advancingthe reform of institutional mechanisms, strengthening international and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao exchanges and cooperation, and enhancing the capability to pool social resources, etc.
In the afternoon, participants discussed the specificcon struction schemes of four Province-level key disciplines: clinical medicine, basicmedical science, pharmacy, public health and preventive medicine.
The overall reform plan for the University’s system and mechanism was discussed in detailsin the evening.

After the seminar, the construction plan will be improved by relevant departments and schools. Afterwards it will be submitted to the Development Planning Office in order to prepare for the expert argumentation meetings which will be heldinthis week.
Writer: Chen Mingzhe
Photographer: Zhou Zhongwei
Translator: Guo Shaobo
Editor: Song Xuejie