Recently,the list of the first batch of2021-2025 NationalPopularScienceEducationBaseswas released by China Association for Science and Technology. Havingrecommended by the Chinese Medical Association,the Institute ofHealthPromotion andMedicalCommunication of Guangdong Medical Universityis on the above-mentionedlist, marking the authoritative recognition of the work of medical communication ofthe university.
It is believed that this will furtherdevelop the ability of themedical science popularizationas well ascommunication, promote the cultivation ofrelevanttalents,facilitatethe construction ofthe Integration of Medicine & Preventionandthe demonstration of health promotion in affiliated hospitals,andeventuallyhelptoimprove theresearch capabilityconcerningthepublic health andwellnessof theuniversity.

Writer:Chen Xinxin Zhouyuan
Translator:Guo Shaobo
Editor:Song Xuejie