From October 11thto 15th,Mid-conference of Erasmus+ Capacity Building for Higher Education Project “Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China through Multidisciplinary Innovations”(“GeNEdu”) and the training programme in “Integrating Digital Technologies into Gerontological Nursing Curricular” were successfully held at GDMU.

The opening ceremony was attended by experts and officers from Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland, and Tartu Health Care College, Estonia online.Trainees from Beihua University, Guangzhou Health Science College and GDMU attended it offline.
The opening ceremony was presided over by Ding Yuanlin, vice president of GDMU. Professor Beverwijk, Dean of UAS Nursing School at Hanze University of Applied Sciences,and Heikki Malinen, the Vice President of JAMK, delivered speeches respectively.They affirmed the overall progress of the GeNEdu project and expressed confidence in the smooth development of it.

Xiang Xianbing,the Vice Secretary ofthe CPC committee said in his address to the conference that the university would continue to fully support this important project and hoped the school of nursing will take this opportunity to strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, update the nursing curriculum, and enhance geriatric nursing skills as well asthe relevant ability of teaching and training.

From October 12thto 15th,by means of live webcast lectures and offline group discussions,Discussions and exchanges focusing ontopics like“electronic education concepts in medical education”, “digital technology in nursing and gerontology”etc.were conducted. Severalsenior experts shared advanced digital gerontological nursing education concepts and knowledge to the trainees by means of virtually visiting modern nursing homes in the Netherlands and classrooms abroad. Finally, the trainees from the three Chinese universities made reports on the status quo and development path of the laboratory construction respectively.

On October 15th, the closing ceremony was presided over by Xie Peihao,director of the Academic Affairs Department of GDMU.Professor Wang Jihong, head of the GeNEdu project of Beihua University gave a wonderful speech on the completion of this training program.In his speech, Professor Slochteren,the training expert from Netherlands,pointed out that nursing care for the elderly will become the main trend of nursing professional development and her pride in being a nurse drew warm applause from the participants.

Finally, Xiang Xianbing, the Vice Secretary of the CPC committee issued certificates to the trainees from three Chinese universities firstly and in his closing speech, he affirmed the significance of this conference in promoting the level and quality of gerontological nursing education in China, and wished all participants could work together to jointly promote the scientific and overall development of gerontological nursing education.

In 2019,the six universities mentioned above succeeded in applying for the EU Erasmus+ project, from which th euniversity gains EU funding and positive progress has been achieved in thework packages such as "dissemination and utilization" and "living lab construction”.
Writer: Wang Fang
Photographer: School of Nursing
Editor: Tang Zhipeng